02.12.2024 17:37CCS project in Norway reaches mechanical completion
Heidelberg Materials’ flagship Brevik CCS project has successfully achieved mechanical completion on schedule
Region: Norway
28.11.2023 17:48Heidelberg Materials launches evoZero®, the world’s first carbon captured net-zero cement
Under its new evoZero brand, Heidelberg Materials is introducing the world’s first carbon captured net-zero cement to customers in Europe
Region: Norway
Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge set in place a 220t absorber unit at its Brevik cement plant on late August 2023.
Region: Norway
07.04.2022 15:31Go-ahead for the world's first zero-emission cargo ship
HeidelbergCement and agricultural cooperative Felleskjøpet AGRI, together with shipping company Egil Ulvan Rederi, have received support from Norwegian government enterprise Enova to build the world's first zero-emission bulk carrier. The vessel is scheduled for completion and commissioning in 2024.
Region: Norway
23.04.2021 16:51Heidelberg Cement and FLSmidth collaborate on the world’s first carbon capture installation in cement
Carbon capture is considered to be one of the key technologies in solving the CO2 emission challenges in hard-to-abate sectors, like cement
Region: Norway
15.12.2020 10:34Norwegian Parliament Approves Investment in HeidelbergCement's Full-Scale CCS Facility
This will be the first industrial-scale CCS project at a cement production plant in the world.
Region: Norway