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The article examines the effect of thermally activated clays on the properties of Portland cement. It is shown that thermally activated clays can repl...
Issue №1
Section: Science and production
Keywords: geopolymers, thermally-activated clays, pozzolanic activity, Portland cement, pillarization
Autor: E.A. Smolskaya,, E.N. Potapova, I.V. Korchunov, S.P. Sivkov.
The basic information about the alkali activated binding systems (geopolymers, slag-alkali materials) and the composition, structural characterist...
Issue №3, 2021
Section: Science and production
Keywords: alkali-­activated materials, geopolymers, alkali-­activated slag, hardening, hydration
Autor: A.S. Brykov.
Basic information about alkali-activated materials (geopolymers, alkali-activated slag), as well as about the composition, structural features and...
Issue №2, 2021
Section: Science and production
Keywords: alkali-activated materials, geopolymers, alkali-activated slag
Autor: A.S. Brykov.
The article reviews the basic development stages of hydraulic binders and prospects for their further development. It also provides the basic data on ...
Issue №2, 2010
Section: Science and production
Keywords: binding materials; Portland cement; geopolymers; fly ash; metakaolin
Autor: V.I. Korneyev, A.S. Brykov.
The influence of the composition of a geopolymer binder based on some igneous rocks and of the curing conditions on its properties was examined. Addit...
Issue №4, 2014
Section: Science and production
Keywords: binding materials, geopolymers, alkali activation, blast furnace slag, concrete
Autor: N.A. Eroshkina, M.O. Korovkin.

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