The article cites the results of the operation of a cement mill equipped with a separator and supplied by FLSmidth (Denmark) at OAO SebryakovC...
Issue №4, 2007 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: SebryakovCement, facilities, clinker mill, productivity, equipment specifications |
Autor: A.S. Mikhin, I.Z. Vortman, R. Eymert. |
The article describes the preferences of QuickFill paper for bags.
Issue №1, 2008 |
Section: Companies and firms |
Keywords: paper for bags, sponginess, durability, specifications |
The situation is described when both old standards for general-purpose cements and test methods — and the new, harmonized with the European ones, are ...
Issue №6, 2011 |
Section: Standartization and quality |
Keywords: standard, general-purpose cements, sulfate-resistant cements, cements for transport construction, general specifications, test methods |
Autor: Z.B. Entin. |