19.05.2022 14:00

Anhui Conch Cement has commissioned a new cement plant in Uzbekistan

The Chinese company Anhui Conch Cement has commissioned a new cement plant in Kashkadarya region.

The capacity of the cement plant in Kitab district will be 1.2 mtpa. Approximately 70 percent of the manufactured products will be sent to the domestic market, the remaining 30 percent will be exported to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and China.

The plant will use the local raw material base – limestone and loess rocks, which are rich in Kashkadarya region. The total cost of the project exceeded $ 150 million, which was fully invested by the Chinese side. Over 400 new jobs have been created at the new industrial facility.

In addition, Anhui Conch Cement also started construction of another cement plant in Akhangaran district of Tashkent region in December last year. 183.3 hectares of land have been allocated for quarrying and 34.2 hectares for the construction of the enterprise for the implementation of this project. When the plant is fully operational, it will produce 2.5 million tons of cement per year. The total cost of this project exceeds $ 200 million.

Region: Uzbekistan
Source: podrobno.uz
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