Author instructions

Requirements to articles
The "Journal Cement and its Applications" accepts the articles for publication that represent the current situation of cement industry and its development all over Russia, CIS countries and all over the world and the articles that deal with the following issues: cement chemistry, cement technology and its use, cement plants' remodelling, cement upgrading, energy resources saving, utilization of waste products and other related issues.
The articles, which are to be handed over to the editors, should be accompanied with: 
  • Reference letter from the head of the enterprise (institution, department) specifying whether this article is a dissertation or not;
  • Confirmation stating that this article is to be published in the Journal Cement and its Applications, that it hasn't been published yet and for the moment it hasn't been handed over to other publications;
  • Information about the authors with indication of the name, surname, patronymic name, academic degree, academic title (just for State Academies of sciences), position, contact telephone number, postal and mail address (a separate enclosure).  
The articles can be sent to the editors by e-mail or handed via electronic data storage device with a hardcopy signed by the authors.
Each article should contain the following information:
  • Title;
  • Report;
  • The key words. Each word or phrase should be separated by a comma or semicolon. This data should be cited both in Russian and English;
  • List of reference;
  • Codes of UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).
Articles text should be a doc, docx or rtf file and it should include all the illustrations and tables. Recommended volume - no more than 8 pages including the images and tables, font 14 , line spacing 1.5, margin 3-4cm. The article should contain the division according to subject headings if it is more than 6000 characters long (with spacing in between the words). Provided it is an article dealing with research, it is recommended to include the following subheads: Introduction (the statement of problem), Methodology and source materials, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. The methodology should be stated in such a way that a reader could reproduce an experiment described.
Raster illustrations (pictures, collages etc) should be handed in separate files with pixelization no less than 300 dots per inch (dpi).
The plate dimension should be open to general use.
 The postgraduate students are not charged for the publication.
 The editors allow several departures from the requirements stated if they find the reason of these departures grounded.

Contact information:
Tel.: +7 (812) 242-1124, 764-5612
Fax: +7 (812) 712-3683

The use of materials published on the site is allowed only with reference to the source (the journal «Cement and its application») and a hyperlink to the quoted material.
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