29.04.2021 08:59

DOM.RF discussed the implementation of information modeling in construction

DOM.RF hosted the first strategic session dedicated to the prospects for the practical application of information modeling technologies (IMT) in construction. Particular attention was paid to the need to integrate IMT with the general digitalization processes of the construction industry. The discussion of this and other issues, in particular, was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Ministry of Finance, Glavgosexpertiza, the State Atomic Energy Corporation - Rosatom, regional bodies of expertise and construction supervision, the BIM Academy, GC PIK, Etalon Group, GC Inteko and other large developers.

The main reason for the event was the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation published on March 5, 2021 No. 331 on the mandatory application of information modeling from January 1, 2022 in the design of all state order objects. In 2020, the foundations of the regulatory framework for a large-scale transition to IMT were formed - the rules for the formation and maintenance of the information model were included, as well as the composition of information. The use of IMT was approved in September 2020.

During several sessions, it was noted that for the industry's transition to new digital technologies, it is necessary to adopt and synchronize a number of by-laws, technical regulations, classifiers, create digital exchange mechanisms and the basis for relevant libraries. It is important to ensure work with information resource models and build the necessary infrastructure.

One of the key obstacles to the implementation of IMT is the shortage of specialists and experts - it is necessary not only to improve the qualifications of existing engineers and designers, but also to train specialists from scratch in universities, including teaching government customers, employees of state bodies and other participants in the process to work with IMT at all stages of the object's life cycle.

The transition to IMT in commercial construction is still an individual choice of each market participant. Currently, the advantages of technology (safe and cost-effective construction) have pushed only large developers to switch to a technologically advanced construction format. Therefore, one of the sessions was devoted to discussing the readiness of developers to switch to the mandatory use of IMT in terms of shared construction from 2023. The participants of the event appreciated the best practices in design, construction and examination using IMT at housing facilities.
Region: Russia
Source: DOM.RF
Tags: production
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