22.12.2021 17:35

FUTURECEM™, a great welcome from the market!

The market has warmly welcomed the new and more sustainable cement type – FUTURECEM™ a limestone calcined clay cement – by Cementir Group. The sales expectations will be fully met in 2021 and the product is nearly sold out in 2022.

2021 started at the cement plant Aalborg Portland in Denmark – a part of the Cementir Group – with a market launch of the new sustainable cement type, FUTURECEM™, with up to 30% CO2-reduction compared with existing, conventional cement types. Denmark was selected by the Group as the front runner for market introduction of this new cement technology.

After the initial phase-in, the product is sold out for the coming years. Thereby, the ambitious ramp-up plan to replace half of the grey cement at Aalborg Portland with FUTURECEM™ by 2025 is fully on track.

The four main pillars of this market success lie on product suitability for intended applications, targeted communication, close dialogue with both concrete producers and the rest of the value chain, and strategic partnerships with leading construction clients. The lesson learned is that the market needs thorough information about new products and its industrialization to rely on and implement them in place of conventional products.

FUTURECEM™’s experience in Denmark is paving the way for limestone calcined clay technology in other markets as part of the Group ambitious sustainable roadmap towards 2030 and beyond.

Region: Denmark
Source: Cementir
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