27.09.2021 15:58

Mobile monitoring systems are being improved at EUROCEMENT Group

Mobile monitoring system enables to monitor the operation of industrial equipment, assess its operating parameters, plan and timely perform maintenance and repairs. As a result, the speed of response for prompt troubleshooting and the overall efficiency of maintenance increases.

EUROCEMENT Group took its first steps towards managing repairs to production equipment using a unified system for data collection, processing and control back in 2017. Today, inspectors at all of the Holding Company's plants responsible for equipment inspections use new digital tools in their work – mobile devices that read data from NFC tags located on the units.

In real time, inspectors receive questionnaires on the condition of the equipment and fill them out, and the device transmits the data to the unified information system, which is responsible for automating business processes in the company. There, two types of summary sheets are generated for each company: defects and detected faults. The first one contains data on what deviations in equipment operation were detected, while the second one contains specific problems to be addressed.

After the list of faults is generated, the work on troubleshooting begins. For this purpose, a repair list is created in the unified information system. This document contains a lot of important parameters: from the list of works with the terms of their performance, the need for spare parts and labor to the planned repair cost.

Previously, the plant employees working in Maintenance and Repairs received instructions on paper on what exactly they had to do for each piece of equipment. But now the system has become more advanced – another module, Repair Jobs, has been introduced. This is a major innovation for the workers themselves – information with a list of repairs from the unified information system is transmitted directly to their mobile devices.

The company forms the necessary basis for analyzing repairs and improving the quality of their planning.
Region: Russia
Source: EUROCEMENT Group
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