07.09.2021 13:41

REO will handle environmental monitoring and regional operators

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment posted on the portal of regulatory legal acts for public discussion a bill on the functions and powers of the Russian environmental operator (REO), a public law company. The document provides for vesting REO with a number of powers, including those relating to monitoring of environmental situation.

The draft federal law "On the public-law company Russian Environmental Operator and on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation" contains amendments aimed at more effective implementation of the solid waste management reform.

" After the bill is passed, the time to make amendments to legal acts will be significantly reduced, and the procedures themselves will become simpler. The REO will be able to shape and manage the complex system of waste management in full, to participate in the state policy on environmental protection and combating the climate change. But the main thing is that all the key functions necessary to manage the industry will be concentrated in one place at the legislative level. For this purpose REO will receive such powers as the development of specialized state and international programs, national and federal projects in the field of waste management, as well as the execution of all such projects," - said Denis Butsaev, CEO of Russian Environmental Operator.

REO is authorized to be the operator of information systems that will deal, among other things, with environmental monitoring, the development of such systems is also assigned to REO by the Russian government (minutes of the meeting at V.V. Abramchenko's office No. 105pr of December 17th 2020). As a result, a unified digital platform will be made available to the environmental industry. Such a system will provide information support not only for monitoring discharges and emissions of pollutants affecting the environmental quality, but also for emissions of pollutants affecting global climate change.

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