06.11.2019 00:00

“Sibcem” Upgrades the Power Supply of the Timlyuy Cement Plant Quarry

The Timlyuy Cement plant in Buryatia underwent the modernization of the power supply system of the enterprise’s main raw materials source, the Gorny foundry, as well as the neighboring village. As reported by the “Siberian Cement” Holding on Tuesday, November 5, investments in the project amounted to 38 million rubles.

This year “Timlyuycement” has mastered a new site with limestone content, Tarakanovsky quarry. A supply of 17 million tons of limestone available for development ensures uninterrupted production of cement in the next 20–25 years. The “Siberian Cement” Holding estimated funds invested in modernization in 2019 at 211 million rubles.

Modernization of the energy supply system launched over a year ago. Specialists installed a complete voltage switchgear and a complete transformer substation. Both facilities of the Gorny foundry — with the cone and jaw crushers — .are now connected with a cable overpass.

The new devices are equipped with circuit breakers, a protection and blocking system to minimize emergency downtime and increase the reliability of the electric supply to the workshop.

The open switchgear underwent reconstruction at the end of September and a new ground loop was installed. Old disconnecting devices were replaced by a new disconnector with the option of manual disconnection. The automation system of the new transformer is designed to keep the unit temperature nearly constant.

The modernization will help make the energy supply to the quarry and the neighboring village of Gorny more stable. According to managing director of “Timlyuycement” Vladimir Klichko it will also stabilize the operation of the plant as a whole.

“Timlyuycement” was founded in 1953. Now the plant with a yearly designed capacity of 800,000 tons of cement has three wet process lines with coal used as process fuel.
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