17.12.2019 13:09

Sibсem Expects to End 2019 With 3% Cement Production Growth

Sibirsky Cement [Sibcem] expects its cement plants to demonstrate a 3% YoY production growth (up to 3.2 million tons). In 2019, Siberian Cement invested 1 billion rubles in technological facilities, and another 2 billion in lease-purchasing more equipment and other facilities.

Almost 400 million rubles were allocated to re-equip the holding's largest enterprise — Topkinsky Cement. Almost 450 million rubles were invested to modernize the holding’s oldest asset — the Krasnoyarsk plant. In 2019, the Timlyuy cement plant spent 71 million rubles to update its equipment and vehicle fleet. The subsidiary KuzbassTransCement received 1.8 billion rubles worth of rolling stock in 2019.

Topkinsky Cement plant expects a 5% increase (2.2 million tons), and Timlyuy Cement — a 16% increase (374,000 tons). However, Krasnoyarsk plant faces an expected 11% decline down to 609.3 thousand tons.

Volna plant expects the production of chrysotile cement products reduce by 22% (to 6.4 million m2). The reason for a decrease in demand for corrugated sheets of 40/150 profile is Tajikistan launching its own production lines.

Siberian Concrete is going to dispatch 28% more product than in 2018. Construction sites are expected to receive 270,900 m3 of mixes in 12 months. Sibcem explains the growing demand for its products by revitalization of the Novosibirsk market, and successful participation in a number of large construction projects.

Sibcem’s products were supplied for the construction of:
  • Presidential Cadet School in the city of Kemerovo, 
  • a transport and logistics hub on the basis of Krasnoyarsk airports, 
  • ‘Kemerovo — Leninsk-Kuznetsky’ highway,
  • the Ice Palace in Ulan-Ude,
  • the development of oil and gas fields.
The holding published a preliminary year-end report on Tuesday, December 17.
Region: Russia
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