31.01.2020 15:00

Yakutcement Commissions Gallery Conveyor for Delivery of Aggregates to Secondary Crushing

Yakutcement plant in Mohsogolokh village of the Khangalassky region of Yakutia commissioned a gallery conveyor system for delivery of crushed stone (20 × 40 fraction) for secondary crushing. Previously, crushed stone had to be transported through the territory of the enterprise by front-end loaders and dump trucks, as per the report of the parent holding company Vostokcement. The construction of the gallery was finalized in late December.

Yakuttsement produces crushed stone of 5×20, 20×40, 40×70, 70×150 fractions and aggregate sand. According to Vostokcement, these products are in high demand in the construction market of Yakutia.

Vostokcement holding actively invests in the modernization of the enterprise: in 2019, anat the Yakutskcement upgraded and launched a second production line in cooperation with KHD Humboldt Wedag. In December, the holding announced new Komatsu bulldozer capable of loosening hard rocks in permafrost put in operation at Yakutskcement.

The cement capacity of the Yakutcement plant reaches 369,000 tons per year.
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