Influence of the polycarboxylate superplasticizer – microsilica additive on the hydration, structure and properties of cement
The article describes the results of the study on the effect of organo-mineral additive Glenium ACE 430 — microsilica on cement paste hardening and the formation of stone structure and properties. The study identified the optimum additive making it possible to obtain cement stone of 80—90 MPa strength with a dyscrystalline structure, consisting predominantly of C-S-H (II) phase, and resistant to the cyclical influences of the environment.Author: K.V. Shuldyakov, L.Y. Kramar, B.Y. Trofimov, N.A. Mamaev |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: cement stone, structure, polycarboxylate superplasticizer, silica fume, phase composition |
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