Burning. Topical collection
Under the heading Cement Production Process Stages we have published selections of materials on the subjects of Quarries (№ 6 for 2007) and Grinding (№ 5 for 2008). We now continue this practice by publishing materials on Burning, which is the central process stage at cement production facilities from the viewpoint of capital and current costs, as well as of the effect on the final result of the work. The section presents information on kilns, heat exchangers, coolers, fuel combustion, including alternative fuels, devices of contactless temperature control, gas purification facilities, refractories, drives and electric motors, elements of chain curtains, as well as on engineering services. The section is preceded by short abstracts of the materials published.Section: Stages of production |
Keywords: equipment, manufacturing line, burning, clinker production, clinker cooler |
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