Georgia is a strategically well located country with a big potential for growth. Particularly, it is a transit country between the Black and the Caspian Sea. There is one of the factors of its further economic growth and, as a consequence, of increase in cement consumpt...
The article describes the main characteristics of the silica and calcium species of fly ash, their use in the composition of cement, and the effect on its properties. This publication summarizes the results of research and practical experience in the use of fly ash in c...
Today the manufacturing of cements with less Portland cement (OPC) clinker is one of the most important levers in order to reduce the specific CO2-emissions within the cement industry. Currently such cements are already standardised in EN 197-1 as CEM II- to CEM...
In the first seven months of 2014 5,250.6 kt of cement and 3,449.0 kt of clinker were produced, which is, respectively, 16% less and 1.7 % more than in the first seven months of the last year. The tables given show the data on export and import of cement and cli...
The paper describes a new dry process cement production line at OOO Sengileyevsky Cement Plant. The decision to build it on the site of the old Sengileyevsky plant was made by OAO Mordovcement. The main supplier of equipment for the line of 3000 tpd clinker capacity is ...
The article describes the technology solution for the processing of clay at OOO Tulacement. The original layout and equipment should eliminate problems associated with the processing of clays with a high moisture content. Installation and commissioning of the new equipm...
The article describes the experience of reconstruction of OAO Ivano-Frankivskcement with transfering from the wet process to the dry one. The chief constructor was OOO Institute YUZHGIPROTSEMENT. As a result of reconstruction the furnace capacity increased by 5 times wi...
The paper describes the advantages of cement vertical roller mills OK from Danish FLSmidth. The data was obtained in the operation of this type of mill at the Podolsky cement plant (Ukraine).
This paper describes the changeover of the OAO Holcim (Rus) plant to the dry process. In particular, the grinding equipment was upgraded and new gearboxes of ball cement mills installed instead of outdated and worn ones. After modernization, the efficiency of p...
The paper describes the work of the specialized laboratory of the Swedish company Billerud Korsnaes on the development and improvement of technological solutions and services related to packaging of cement and other bulk materials. It is shown how their work helps manuf...