Economical and technical benefits of composite cements

Composite cements, i.e. cements with several main constituents, are becoming more and more important due to their excellent practical performance as well as ecological benefits, in particular the abatement of specific CO2 emissions. The European cement standard EN 197-1 actually defines cements with clinker substitution up to 95%. The production of cements with several main constituents depends on the local availability of the constituents, the specific manufacturing conditions of the cement plants and the building practices. Composite cements not only contribute to an optimised ecological performance but can also provide technical benefits like lower heat of hydration, better resistance to chemical attack and improved workability. For the quality control of composite cements the same basic rules apply as for Portland cement. Positive experiences with this system have created confidence of customers and authorities.
A certification scheme as laid down in European standard EN 197-2 sets the rules how cement producers can put their cements on the market in all EU member states if certified according this standard.
Author: M. Schneider, S. Baetzner

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