Gamma-3HPm refractory mortar for rotary kilns
Refractory mixtures manufactured by Gamma Spets- ogneupor are used in cement and a number of other industries to repair various thermal units. Among these products are Gamma series mortars, which use the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and allow increasing the resistance of furnace lin- ings subject to high thermochemical loads. Due to rapid SHS chemical reactions, Gamma refractory mortars gain the required operational characteristics during heating of the kiln in dozens of minutes. The achieved continuity and solidity of the lining can significantly increase the service life of the kiln (in some cases 5 times over), also its productivity and utilization rate.Author: Zh.A. Gabaev, I.V. Litovchenko |
Section: Refractories |
Keywords: cement kiln, refractory mortar, lining, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis |
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