Cement industry in the Kyrgyz Republic
The article provides data on the cement assortment and its production, export, and import in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The total production capacity of cement enterprises in Kyrgyzstan increased by 500 kt (up to 2 million tons) in 2017-2019.Four plants, with an annual production capacity of about 3,300 kt total, produce cement in Kyrgyz Republic:
• OAO Kant cement plant in Chui region, wet process (1,290 kt);
• ZAO South-Kyrgyz Cement in Batken region, dry process (900 kt);
• OsOO South Combine Works of Building Materials in Osh region, dry process (1,000 kt);
• OsOO Sinzhi-Pirim in Osh region with 16–20 tph shaft kiln.
In 2019 cement has been exported primarily to Uzbekistan (603.7 kt) and most of cement has been imported from Kazakhstan (213.9 kt) and Tajikistan (80.7 kt). During 2017-2019 new cement production capacities became operational. Numerous cement plants underwent modernizations.
Author: Zh.M. Abdyraev |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement production, export, import, modernization, product range |
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