Start-up of the ATOM Cement plant
In 2020, a wet process cement plant ATOM Cement with a design capacity of 550 thousand tons of cement per year was put into operation. This plant is part of the Atomstroykompleks group of companies, the larg- est construction holding in the Ural Federal District. The amount of investments equaled RUB 4.5 billion, financed from Atomstroykomplex equity and a loan from VTB Bank. Loan funds (RUB 3.1 billion) have been provided by the bank at a preferential interest rate under the state business support program. It took 2.5 years to complete the project.The cement kiln and mills at ATOM Cement were manufactured and assembled by OAO Volgocemmash (Russia) on a turnkey basis. Another Russian vendor was responsible for supply, installation and setting of electrical equipment and automation systems. A number of European and other Russian companies have also supplied equipment for the plant. Specialized contrac- tors were involved in the installation and commissioning of the equipment. Civil construction was carried out by Atomstroycomplex Group of Companies.
Author: E.V. Glyzin |
Section: Interview |
Keywords: production, cement plant |
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