Cement industry of the post-Soviet countries today: an insider’s view

In Cement and its Applications journal, No. 1, 2002 we started publication of materials submitted by cement manufacturers about the state of affairs in the companies and their plans.
The previous publication was in 2020. Since then, the de-mand for cement has increased. New plants and process lines commissioned in the last two years are operating successfully. At the same time, numerous projects of re-equipment of the operating capacities with installation of modern machinery and modification of certain units have been accomplished. The efficiency of the plants has also improved due to growing digitalization of production, logistics and management. The use of new techniques and methods improved the control of production processes and product quality, diagnostics of equipment condition for timely repairs and maintenance, and the monitoring of pollutant emissions into the air.
Among the most significant incentives for modernizing the facilities is the growing need to save energy and reduce the environmental footprint. Issues of reducing greenhouse gas emissions have become very important. Many companies used, or began to study, the partial replacement of traditional fuels and raw materials for cement production with alternatives as one of the ways to address these issues.
These days cement manufacturers pay special attention to work with their customers, trying to satisfy their needs to the fullest extent. Thus, the range of products offered is constantly expanding; the scope of services associated with the selection of the right type of cement and assistance to the consumer in its use is growing. Manu-facturers are also increasing their own fleet of railcars and trucks and optimizing their ordering, shipment and delivery procedures.
The following material prepared based on 2020-2021 re-sults preceded by information about the cement and construction industries in the countries where the companies are located.

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