Structural and rheological properties of cement powder

The structural and rheological properties of cement powder significantly affect the duration of work and labor costs in the course of transportation and ship-ment of cement. This makes the task of searching for the mechanisms of controlling such properties urgent.
The article is devoted to the study of the main factors influencing the flowability of cement. The results of the statistical analysis depending on the fineness of cement grinding (by the rest on the sieve No. 008 and the Blaine specific area), moisture content, bulk density and the density in the maximum compacted state, as well as the interrelation of production factors and the cement flowability were shown. The correlation-regression method of analysis established that the specific area and a variable factor, whose role has not yet been quantified, affect the flowability of the cement powder.
Author: L.D. Shakhova, Ye.S. Chernositova, L.S. Schelokova, N.G. Ukhaneva

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