Limestone in cement compositions with additives to increase frost resistance
The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of limestone as a mineral additive in cement on frost resistance of hardened cement. The structure and properties of materials have been studied us-ing methods of X-ray phase and differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, pycnometer density tests, as well as by physical and mechanical tests of standard samples.It was found that the replacement of the clinker in cement with limestone in an amount up to 15 wt. % can lead to some reduction in strength, but this drawback is compensated by a greater environmental friendli-ness and increased frost resistance of such cement.
Author: I.V. Korchunov, E.N. Potapova, S.P. Sivkov, E.A. Voloshin, .A. Lukoshkin |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: clinker factor, limestone blended cement, frost resistance, durability, chlorides |
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