Development of cement matrix composition for immobilization of alkaline high-activity waste from radiochemical production

The area of optimal matrix compositions based on blast furnace slag with bentonite and metakaolin additives for solidification of model alkaline solution of high-activity waste has been selected. The investigations were carried out using the mathematical method of simplex experi-ment planning. The main parameters of slag-alkali compounds fixed in the regulatory requirements for cemented radioactive waste have been determined. The data on mechanical strength of initial samples of cement compounds and samples after freezing—thawing cycles are obtained. The data on the rate of 137Cs leaching from the cement compound were obtained. The mechanical strength of cement compound after a prolonged stay in water was investigated.
Author: K.A. Parutin, S.M. Shaidullin, V.A. Remizova, P.V. Kozlov

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