New requirements of the RF legislation on the use of secondary resources and raw materials in cement production

The legislation of the Russian Federation for the last few years has been pursuing the goal of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated June 24, 1998 “On production and consumption wastes”, i.e. involvement of wastes into economic circulation. One of the first areas in the cement industry was the use of solid fuel derived from waste, the possibility of its combustion in cement kilns was recognized in the first edition of the information and technical reference book on the best available practices ITS 6-2015 “Cement Production”. Such fuel is successfully used at the plants of a number of cement manufacturing companies, and other cement producers are also engaged in the relevant work. The issues of obtaining alternative fuel from solid municipal waste are covered in the industrial standard CPC REO No. 94 dated July 30, 2021 “Solid municipal waste management. Methods and technologies for preparing alternative fuel from solid municipal waste”.
Author: E.M. Ozerova

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