Prospects for the development of gas cleaning and dust collecting equipment

The development of gas cleaning and dust collecting equipment produced by the domestic environmental engineering industry is prescribed by the Order of the Government of the RF dated June 6, 2020 No. 1512-r Summary Strategy for the Development of the Manufacturing Industry of the Russian Federation up to 2030 and for the period up to 2035 with amendments of 07.11.2023. According to the information and technical reference book on the best available technologies (BAT) ITS 6-2022 Cement Production, the main trends in the development of the cement industry today and in the near future include, among other things, reducing the negative environmental impact of the industry's plants. This will require modernization of their existing equipment using efficient domestic technologies for cleaning polluted emissions.

Author: E.L. Zhuchenko, M.Y. Smirnov, D.E. Kapustin, V.A. Guzaev

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