Use of a chlorine-reducing additive and its effect on the operation of the clinker kiln system

During clinker kilning in cement plants, the quantitative ratio of volatile sub-stances (sodium, potassium, sulphur and chlorine compounds) is in such a delicate balance that even its slight change leads to serious complications in the kiln operation. However, most (if not all) raw materials contain at least traces of these elements. It is necessary to find a delicate balance that allows kiln operation in this situation.
This paper describes the trials carried out at Yguazú Cementos (Paraguay) to evaluate the practicability of including into the fuel burned in a cement kiln an additive that can capture chlorine compounds and other volatile substances. The main objectives were to minimize the formation of lumps and rings in the cement kiln, to increase the supply of clay suitable for use as the main raw material, and to assess the stability of the kiln during the tests.

Author: D. Alvarenga

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