Innovative and sustainable materials shaping the future of bridge construction

This article explores the adoption of innovative and sustainable materials in modern bridge construction, addressing the need for eco-friendly solutions that enhance durability and performance. It covers materials like high-performance concrete (HPC), fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), self-healing concrete, and basalt fibers, all of which reduce environmental impact and improve structural longevity. Emerging technologies, such as photocatalytic and graphene-enhanced concrete, CarbonCure, and 3D-printed concrete, are highlighted for their potential to lower carbonemissions and extend service life. Additionally, the article reviews the role of bio-concrete, phase change materials, and carbon fiber reinforcements, emphasizing their promise in further advancing sustainable bridge construction practices. With global examples and insights, the article outlines the future trends and strategic steps required to build more resilient and sustainable bridges.

Author: S.B. Hegde

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