Crushing of sticky and plastic materials. Calibration crushing

Cement manufacturers often face the need to prepare sticky and plastic raw materials. The use of classic crushers (jaw, rotary, cone crushers) for this purpose is difficult. The only types of crushers that can work with such raw materials are roller and screw tooth crushers. The use of tangentially mounted tooth in the design of screw tooth crushers makes it possible to significantly reduce their dimensions and at the same time to use elongated rollers, thus increasing the unit productivity of the crusher. A distinctive feature of this type of equipment is also calibration crushing (without downsizing, with minimum overcrushing). Structurally, crushers can be manufactured with rigidly fixed rollers, providing a constant grain size distribution of the crushed pro duct, as well as with movable rollers, allowing to adjust its size.
Author: A.I. Stepanenko, A.A. Stepanenko

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