Strength requirement for repair building mortars used to restore the bearing capacity of concrete structures
The regulatory documents do not contain specific requirements for repair cement compositions, taking into account the actual physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete of the structures, whose load-bearing capacity should be restored. Monitoring of the results of using repair materials indicates that if the stress-strain performance of these compositions is overestimated, or underestimated in comparison with that of the concrete of the structures to be repaired, the reliability of the results of the performed repair and restoration work will be substantially limited. This paper presents the results of studies aimed at quantitative and qualitative assessment of joint performance of materials with different mechanical properties. The purpose of this research is to develop scientifically based recommendations on the formulation of requirements for an effective repair composition to restore the load-bearing capacity of structures. The method of materials compatibility assessment by testing the investigated compositions for static and impact loads is proposed. On the basis of this method the acceptable range of deviation of the characteristics of the repair material from the material of the structure is determined.Author: A.S. Sidorova, A.M. Kharitonov |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: repair cement mixtures, joint work with concrete, impact load, inclined shear, adhesive contact |
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