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Information is provided on calcined clay production technologies and the benefits of its input into cement composition, including energy saving an...
Issue №5, 2024
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: calcined clay, clinker to cement ratio, energy saving, reducing CO2 emissions
Autor: J. Harder.
The strategy of substituting clinker by supplementary cementitious materials, SCM appears to be the shortest and less capital-intensive path to sustai...
Issue №1
Section: Science and production
Keywords: calcined clay, supplementary cementitious materials, limestone, LC3, Portland cement, clinker
Autor: F. Martirena-Hernandez, F. Arcial-Carratala, R. Almenares-Reyes.
Low carbon cement or limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) is a ternary blended Portland cement with clinker factor as low as 0.40. It uses the...
Issue №3, 2023
Section: Science and production
Keywords: limestone calcined clay cement, kaolinitic clay, clinker factor, low carbon cement
Autor: S. Maity.
Calcined (thermally activated) clays are the most promising source for supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) which can contribut...
Issue №1, 2020
Section: Science and production
Keywords: calcined clay, supplementary cementitious material, superplasticizer, zwitterionic polycarboxylate superplasticizer
Autor: M. Schmid, R. Sposito, K.-C. Thienel, J. Plank.
In recent decades, technological developments in the cement industry have been limited. In this regard, manufacturers are increasingly striving to inf...
Issue №4, 2019
Section: New materials
Keywords: calcined clay, clinker substitution, flash calciner, rotary kiln, cement, concrete
Autor: S. Gross, H.W. Meyer, P.H. Heersche.
The potential of calcinated polymineral natural clay with low kaolinite content as an active additive to concrete is shown. In addition, it can be use...
Issue №6, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: calcined clay, cement, concrete.
Autor: K.-C. Thienel, S. Scherb, C. Chucholowski, N. Beuntner.
Kaolinite has been examined at heating temperatures from 500 – 1100 oC. For each sample, the degrees of dissolution in acidic and basic media have bee...
Issue №5, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: NMR spectroscopy, kaolinite, calcined clay.
Autor: C. Ruiz-Santaquiteria, J. Skibsted.
In this paper, results of a solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of white Portland cements blended with different calcined cl...
Issue №1, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: solid-state NMR spectroscopy, white Portland cement, calcined clay, kaolinite, metakaolin, montmorillonite
Autor: J. Skibsted, Z. Dai, K.E. Rasmussen, N. Garg.
Pozzolanic properties of calcined clays of various mineral composition mixed with four different CEM I Portland cements were examined. It was found th...
Issue №1, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: pozzolanic cement, pozzolanic material, calcined clay, hydration
Autor: S.E. Schulze, J. Rickert.
In this article results of several investigations helping to assess the effect of different calcined clay blended cements on extremely stressed concre...
Issue №3, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: calcined clay blended cements, metakaolin, pozzolana, concrete durability, sulphate resistance, alkali-silica reaction resistance
Autor: A. Truemer, H.-M. Ludwig.

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