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The purpose of the study is to develop cement fine-grained concrete modified with active mineral additives for 3D concrete printing (3DCP) wit...
Issue №1
Section: Science and production
Keywords: concrete, additive manufacturing in construction, 3DCP, active mineral additives, rheotechnological properties, strength.
Autor: R.Kh. Mukhametrakhimov.
Upgrading cement mills, companies typically seek to increase their production rate and reduce energy consumption. Often these considerations do not co...
Issue №2, 2019
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: cement grinding, separation, specific surface area, particle size distribution, strength.
Autor: M. Mutter, L. Evans.
Mixed cements are characterized by a lower early compressive strength compared with that of conventional Portland cement. Using a very simple three-di...
Issue №5, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement, blended cement, filler, hydration, water- binder ratio, strength.
Autor: P.-C. Aitcin, W. Wilson, S. Mindess.

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