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Wollastonite, with its acicular structure, being either an industrial by-product or a natural mineral, can be used as a reinforcing additive in concre...
Issue №2
Section: Science and production
Keywords: wollastonite, composite, cement, concrete, strength, frost resistance, water absorption
Autor: V.A.Lipin, E.D.Sofronova.
It has been demonstrated that using a complex two-component additive based on zeolite materials and wollastonite increases the strength of Portland ce...
Issue №4, 2015
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement, zeolite-containing raw materials, wollastonite, complex additive, activation, strength
Autor: A.A. Panina, T.L. Lygina.
It Is shown that increasing strength characteristics features of the portland cement by possible way to activations raw materials of charge in mode tr...
Issue №5, 2010
Section: Science and production
Keywords: portland cement; activation; wollastonite; strength characteristics
Autor: T.Z. Lygina, A.V. Kornilov, A.A. Panina, E.N. Permyakov.

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