PC Cement Plant Semey LLP in Kazakhstan cares not only about making profit, but first of all cares about the environment. The company pays great attention to dust and gas cleaning equipment.
The first step to improve the operation of dust and gas cleaning equipment was a project to replace the electrostatic precipitator at the rotary kiln № 4, on modern high-efficiency dust collecting equipment with a cleaning efficiency of 99, 33%, which was realized in the period from 2022 to 2023. Prior to that, the filter had been in operation for 58 years, having been annually overhauled and repaired.
Then, from April 4, 2023 to April 21, 2024, the electrostatic precipitator of rotary kiln #3, which had been in operation for about 40 years, was replaced.
The cost of these two projects amounted to 1 billion 800 million tenge. Installation of new equipment allowed to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment by 20%.
The company plans to replace electrostatic precipitators at rotary kilns No. 1 and No. 2.
In addition, the project of installation of gas analytical complex of automated system for monitoring of waste gases is being implemented within the framework of environmental legislation. The cost of the project is 130 mln tenge.