07.09.2021 18:22

LSR: the net profit according to IFRS in the first half of 2021 increased 2.2 times

In the first half of the year the LSR developer has increased the net profit according to IFRS up to RUB 5.7 billion, which is 2.2 times more comparing to the same period of the last year. The adjusted EBITDA amounted to RUB 13.4 billion.

Over the second quarter and six months of 2021 the value of new contracts amounted to RUB 47 billion. The share of sales using mortgage financing increased to 68%, compared to 58% in 1H 2020.

The construction materials segment demonstrated positive revenue trends, increasing from RUB 8.233 million in 1H 2020 to RUB 8.523 million in the same period of 2021. Sales of ready-mix concrete increased from 443 to 497 thousand m3,crushed granite gravel from 2710 to 3180 thousand m3, sand from 2378 to 3574 thousand m3.

Region: Russia
Source: LSR
Tags: statistics
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