World cement markets in the 1st quarter of 2013 and a forecast up to 2050

The material gives the analysis of the situation on the world markets of cement in the I quarter of 2013 and forecasts for 2013-2014, 2017 and 2050. Beginning in 2013 in developed markets was not easy, and in emerging markets the expectations are not met. It is expected...

Interview with Vice-President of the Global Technology Center Cement, FLSmidth A/S Sten Stolze

Sten Stolze, Vice-President of the Global Technology Center Cement, FLSmidth A/S, gave to General Director of OOO Journal Cement Liudmila German an interview, which is published in this issue.

Ukrainian cement industry. Results of operations in the 1st quarter of 2013

In Q1, 2013 1267 kt of cement and 895 kt of clinker were produced, which is, respectively, 0.1 and 22.4 % less than in Q1, 2012. Cement production in March 2013 was 3.5 % less and clinker output 4.4 % more than in March 2012. Per capita cement production in ...

Progress of construction projects in cement industry

The advantages of new cement production line construction with the involvement of a general contractor are discussed. The work of Renaissance Construction company, which in 2013 celebrates its 20th anniversary, is described. Examples of construction projects of producti...

Energy-saving modules for pneumatic displacement pumps

The design and performance of energy saving modules (ESM) produced by OOO TES for pneumatic displacement pumps (PDP) were examined. Experimental data of cement transportation is provided, with the unit cost of electricity both before and after the introd...

Spiral systems for transport of bulk materials

The article describes the equipment for handling of bulk loose materials from a Russian company European Transport Systems (ETS). The product range and the main technical characteristics of spiral conveyors manufactured by the company are given.

Vertical roller coal mill operation at a plant in Belgium

The operation of a vertical coal roller mill MPS 225 BK developed by German Gebr. Pfeiffer SE, at the plant of CBR company — a division of HeidelbergCement Group, in Lixhe (Belgium), is described. The flow diagram of coal grinding is given. According to the resu...

Use of raw slurry thinners to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions from clinker burning

The article summarizes the data on moisture reduction in the slurry, fuel saving and the volume of gas emissions produced when using raw slurry thinners in cement plants. Particular attention is paid to the emissions of dioxins and furans when the thinner burns in the c...

New refractory materials for cement industry

The article offers information on the production of the main castable refractories for the cement industry: • a summary of the current raw material reserves of the Magnezit Group; • a summary of the refractory production capacities of the Magnezit Group; • information a...

Effective technical solutions for refractory linings of rotary kilns

The composition and properties of refractory materials produced by OAO Borovichi Refractories Plant (OAO BRP) for lining rotary kilns were analyzed. Refractory products of KVKC brand were developed for the transition zone of clinker kilns, for service under high...

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