Refractory materials from ZM ROPCZYCE S.A.

Refractory materials for the cement industry from ZM ROPCZYCE S.A., Poland, are discussed. The properties of materials and their range are analyzed in relation to operating conditions. Particular attention is paid to magnesia spinel refractory materials

Joint projects of ABB and OAO Podolsk cement

Joint projects of ABB (Switzerland) and OAO Podolsky cement, a division of the Irish CRH group, are discussed. The implementation of the contract to supply control and power supply systems, technologies and products of ABB for the dry process cement production l...

Determination of slag content in blended cement by XRD/Rietveld method without adding internal standard

Blast-furnace slag content in blended cement is a significant parameter affecting both cement properties and concrete performance and durability. The XRD/Rietveld method has been applied for rapid quantifying slag content in blended cement and is expected to be applicab...

Acid-base interactions of sodium chloride with calcium carbonate during the formation of cement clinker

Interactions in the calcium carbonate — sodium chloride system were examined using the methods of radio spectroscopy and derivatography. As a result of specific interaction between them a decrease of spin-lattice relaxation is observed, with an increase of the signal am...

Assimilation of coarse-grained quartz during the burning of cement raw mix

The way of an intensification of process of burning of the cement raw mixes containing big grains of quartz, at presence of sodium oxide and calcium fluoride is considered.

New results on waste co-processing in the cement industry

New data on the use of waste in the European cement industry are cited. The proportion of traditional fossil fuel replacement in Europe with alternative fuel (waste and biomass) in 2010 was 31%, which resulted in a reduction of annual CO2 emissions by about ...

TPP ash as raw materials for cement and concrete

Main characteristics of Kuznetsk coal and Kansk-Achinsk coals, as well as characteristics of TPP fly ash — particle size, dispersity, grain structure and morphology of ash particles, phase composition and influence of fly ash and its phases on the properties of ash ceme...

A new laboratory for tests and analysis of alternative fuels

The work of the new laboratory for testing and analysing alternative fuels at the Danish FLSmidth scientific and research center is discussed. The new equipment of the laboratory is described.

Fundamentals of obtaining liquid glass from industrial wastes

The potential of obtaining liquid glass from a man-made material — microsilica is demonstrated. A characteristic feature of microsilica liquid glass is found — the presence of carbon impurities in the form of graphite and β-silicon carbide. The role of impurities i...

Influence of the type and superplasticizers dosage on reotehnological properties of the cement suspensions, concrete mixes and concrete of new generation

In work influence of type and a dosage giperplasticizers on reotehnological properties of cement suspensions and concrete mixes is studied. It is established that at a dosage of giperplasticizers in number of 0,5 % it is impossible to receive highplastic concrete an...

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