Russian cement sector strategy and risks

The material gives an overview of cement industry in Russia, forecasts till 2015 year; EUROCEMENT Group position in the Russian cement industry; new cement plant projects and the specifics of its implementation; share of dry process cement manufactured in Russia and its...

CEMBUREAU: the world and European cement and energy markets

The material describes the situation in the cement industry in the countries - members of CEMBUREAU Association, up to 2011. It gives the characteristic of the economic situation in Europe, the volumes of cement production in European countries, their dynamics, exports ...

Cement production and market of Uzbekistan in 2011

The article gives the data on production and consumption of cement in the Republic of Uzbekistan; exports, imports and prices on cement. The total production capacity of six existing cement plants is 6581.0 thousand tons. Existing facilities do not satisfy the market de...

Ukrainian cement industry. Results of operations in the 1st five months of 2012

Volumes of production of basic products of cement plants in Ukraine for 5 months in 2012, as well as data on volumes of exports and imports by product of cement (by country) for the I quarter 2012 - indicated in the tables.

Technological specifics of cement production at OOO Achinsk Cement. Quality of products

The article describes a specific technology of cement production with nepheline slurry at OOO Achinsk Cement. The results of an analysis of the production technology and quality control of cement are given. It is shown that the achieved level of production at OOO Achins...

Reconstruction of the slurry mill for wet grinding at Schurovsky cement plant

A slurry mill reconstruction project by the Spanish company Fundiciones del Estanda, S.A. for the Schurovsky cement plant is described. The main characteristics of the mill before and after reconstruction and the most important results of its operation for 8 years are p...

Experience with the OK vertical roller mill for grinding cement and slag

Over the last decade FLSmidth has commissioned a large number of OK mills installed worldwide for grinding a wide variety of products. Based upon the unique design of the OK mill and the experience from installation and operation of the mills commissioned FLSmidth has e...

Operation of the Twin Horomill® installation at a plant in Vietnam

A 5-year-long successful operation of a double milling installation Twin Horomill® from the French company Fives FCB at a Cam Pha plant of Vinaconex company in Vietnam is described.

Role of refractories in minimizing the shell corrosion phenomena in cement kilns

Continuous kiln availability for a period of one year or even higher is a prerequisite for achieving high production target in a cement plant. In the modern high capacity plants, it is neither affordable nor desirable to accommodate the kiln stoppages for any period and...

Training to control a cement production line with the SIMULEX® simulator

Construction of new cement plants, modernization of existing facilities with the introduction of automated control systems make high demands on the level of operators’ skills. In this regard, training of skilled workers is an urgent issue for all cement producers. Combi...

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