ECS/CEMulator - a modern simulator for training operators of Portland cement production lines

In 2010 the Danish company FLSmidth, with cooperation from the journal Cement and its Applications, donated a workstation and ECS/CEMulator commercial software package for training operators of cement production to the department of chemical technology of structural and special binders of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University). In addition, FLSmidth has launched training of trainers from the staff of the department to work with the ECS/CEMulator software package. According to the agreement signed between FLSmidth and the Department, the software will be used in the theoretical and practical classes of the new course on Management of a cement plant using automated control systems for senior students. The use of ECS/CEMulator package introduces a new approach to teaching students, complementing the theoretical material with practical exercises using a real manufacturing process control system; exactly the same system (ECS) is used by FLSmidth for process automation at the existing plants around the world.
Author: M.E. Voronkov

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