Environmentally friendly periclase-spinel refractory materials for lining cement rotary kilns
Characteristics of high-quality periclase-spinel refractory products for the sintering zone of cement rotary kilns manufactured by Borovichi refractory factory are given. Now the Borovichi factory can offer the full range of products for lining such furnaces. The advantage of refractory materials from OAO Borovichi refractory factory is that they are free of chromium compounds, which is important from the environmental point of view.Author: V.P. Migal, S.I. Gershkovich, V.V. Skurikhin, A.P. Margishvili, V.V. Bulin |
Section: Refractories |
Keywords: cement rotary kiln, lining, periclase-spinel refractory materials, sintering zone |
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