CNA™ Evolution – a safe and effective analyser

The article considers a line analyser of chemical materials composition - CNA™ Evolution produced by the French company EADS Sodern and using an electrically controllable neutron source. It describes the physical principles on which the analyser operates and its applica...

Industrial fans of REITZ company

The article describes the activities of REITZ Ventilatoren (Germany) specializing in the manufacture and supply of 0.75 kW to 10,000 kW fans for major industrial enterprises. The work on upgrading the fans is aimed at enhancing their energy efficiency, protectio...

Experience of upgrading a clinker production line at Krivorozhsky cement plant

The article cites the results of upgrading a dry production line at Krivorozhsky cement plant. Decreasing the cold air inflows, improving the aspiration, using dump slags, developing a rational raw mix composition and other measures made it possible to increase the kiln...

Grinding balls manufactured on new equipment for heat treatment

The article reviews the technology and equipment for manufacturing cast grinding balls and cylpebs doped with chromium for cement and raw mills. Advantages of using such balls and cylpebs are demonstrated.

New modernisation prospects for clinker coolers

The article considers special design features of the POLYTRACK-type cooler (Polysius Company, Germany) and its operating characteristics. It also cites the examples of reconstruction of Volgocemmash coolers at Lipetsky and Sebryakovsky cement plants with install...

Gambarotta Company bucket elevators

The article describes the characteristics and applications of the bucket elevators developed and manufactured by the Italian company Gambarotta Gschwendt are observed. It highlights its high safety in operation, which reduces maintenance and repair costs to a minimum.

Caterpillar dragline excavator

The article characterizes the caterpillar dragline excavators produced by Uralmash machine-building corporation. In an especially greater detail, it considers the design and characteristics of a new caterpillar dragline excavator model (EDG-3,2.30A). Its high po...

Selection of optimum crushing equipment

The article characterizes the equipment produced by Thyssen-Krupp Fördertechnik (Germany) for crushing raw materials used in cement industry. By using various types of equipment and crushing systems it is possible to select a rational process, and minimise ...

Modernisation of the grinding capacities at OAO Iskitim-Cement

The article cites the results of a mill equipment upgrading project executed at the OAO Iskitim-Cement plant by Spanish company Estanda. It is shown that, by changing the length of the chambers, installing arc (elevating and cone) sorting armour and also a contr...

Frequency converters for a synchronous electric drive with heavy starting duty

As a result of research into the starting process of powerful cement mills at a number of cement industry plants, it was found that the starting current has an extremely negative influence on the motor life (due to heavy duty operating modes) and on the mill dri...

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