CEMAT and other solutions for process management in the production of cement.

The article describes the АСУТП concept based on СЕМАТ® – a specialized library developed by Siemens Company in accordance with the requirements of cement production. The library is based on the application of standard programme modules as applied to each object of management (motor, valve, control flap etc.) and in relation to any production section.
Also described are equipment functioning modes, the basic advantages of the control system, including the application of the CFC (Control Function Chart) language. The article cites the range of solutions for cement enterprises and appropriate Siemens products, including intellectual module SIMOCODE, means of measurement and control. It points out the potential of application of additional modules, for example MMS (control systems of current maintenance service), MES-systems, modern solutions for modernization of electrostatic precipitators - SIFUPIC F and PIC410F. The article covers various aspects of experience in the introduction and operation of the system.
Author: A. Balatsky

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