Manufacture and cement shortage areas in Russia in 2005–2010

On the basis of a large array of statistical material a comprehensive analysis was pertormed of the production and economic results of the Russian cement industry operations in 2005 and in the first year of 2006. Demonstrated were the results of operation of kilns, seas...

LOESCHE GmbH: mills for all the world


Modern solutions in the field of grinding equipment

The article reviews the design and operating principle of Loesche GmbH roller mills. Their special feature is the modular principle of design due to which a broad range of standard types and sizes was developed. The Loesche mills are reliable, simple in maintenance and ...

An underground complex of raw material feeding.

The article describes accomplished reconstruction of Novoross-Cemenf s quarries with creating fundamentally novel technological scheme of cement raw materials transportation.

Cement industry of the post-Soviet countries today: an insider’s view.

We bring to your attention an article devoted to the production and market of cement in Azerbaijan, as well as to the role of the largest cement producer in that country - «Garadagh Cement» OJSC.

Mill drive modifications

A method is suggested for prevention of damage to roller mill drives with a low rotation speed. The method is based on the use of slider bearings with additional lubrication instead of rolling bearings.

Cement grinding – a comparison between vertical roller mill and ball mill

Over the last three decades the vertical roller mill has become the preferred mill for grinding of raw materials. The grinding efficiency of the vertical roller mill combined with an ability to dry, grind and classify within a single unit gives the vertical roller mill ...

Cement industry of Ukraine

Positive dynamics of development in cement sector saved in October and November. 2006. The data on cement and clinker output by the country's enterprises in the "first 1 O and 11 months of 2006 are presented in Table 1 in comparison with the corresponding perio...

Upgrading control of the quartz content in kiln slurry at OAO Oskol-Cement

The article cites the results of practical application of the working method of determination (slick method) of the p-quartz content in raw materials and kiln slurry. It was possible to determine the phase composition of raw materials, slurry, insoluble clinker ...

FINGO: efficient gas purification

The article analyzes the status of gas dedusting in the basic technology equipment in the industry of construction materials, including cement industry. It is shown that 80% of the current gas dedusting equipment in operation needs renovation. The article describes ...

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