The article examines the design and operation of the MAAG planetary gearboxes, type CPU, for horizontal ball mills with a centrally placed drive. The advantages of these gearboxes are demonstrated. The article is based on the data provided by MAAG GEAR AG.
The article is dedicated to the South America cement market, the history of Loesche GmbH company and to the performance of the Loesche vertical roll mills at some plants in South America.
The article describes the design of the major components of the rotary kilns and methods of their erection.
The article considers the use of a gas-turbine unit at the cement plant site for production of power.
It is shown that incorporating such a unit into the cement production process line ensures a rational use of fuel and reduces the production cost of cement.
The article studies peculiar features of EP supporting structures of the cement rotary kilns taking into account the weight of an EP, its hoppers as well as the climatic factors.
At the end of 2007 Angarsk-Cement marked its jubilee – 50 year from the plant commissioning date.
The article decribes the production development stages and their landmarks, gives the results achieved in production activities and outlines the plant development plans for...
The article describes the development and operation of Vostoktsemremont, Ukrainian enterprise specialized in cement equipment maintenance.
This review adresses the main points of the reports delivered at the XXII All-Russia (VI International) meeting of the heads of laboratories of cement plants.
A particular attention was paid to solution of the problems that arise in the production of cement as p...
The article provides information on the International Conference on Sustainability in the Cement and Concrete Industry held in Lillehammer, Norway.
It reviews the presentations made by the leading scientists and industry representatives and dealing with an analysis of p...
The article deals with technical control of the product quality as per Federal Law of RF «On technical regulation».
Also considered is cement safety, pollution control as an object of technical regulation, as well as the atmosphere emission limits in the EU countries an...