Influence of calcined and ground polymineral clay on the strength of cement rock
Comparative studies of the effect of addition to Portland cement of polymineral clay glinite with kaolinite content of 51%, calcined at a temperature of 400-800° C, and ground to a specific surface of 250-800 m2/kg, and metakaolin with a specific surface area of 1,200 m2/kg were made. The effect on the strength of the cement rock under compression, its average density, water absorption coefficient and the coefficient of softening was examined. It was found that the addition of 5-10% of the said calcined and milled clay to Portland cement can lead to a marked increase in the values of these parameters of cement rock than addition of the same amount of metakaolin.Author: R.Z. Rakhimov, N.R. Rakhimova, A.R. Gaifullin |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: pozzolana, additive, multimineral clay, metakaolin, temperature, calcination, the specific surface area, Portland cement, hardened cement paste, strength |
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