Cement production and market in Russia in 2014

The article offers the data on production and consumption of cement in Russia and its federal districts in 2014, its imports and exports in comparison with 2013 (source - OOO SM Pro according to the data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Statistics Service, OAO RZhD...

Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association. The cement industry in Turkey

The paper provides information on the cement industry in Turkey, the activities of the Cement Producers’ Association, the production, consumption and export of cement and clinker. A forecast of the economic development of the country, of the construction sector, of prod...

Commodity trading in cement in Russia

The article describes the experience of commodity trading in cement in Russia, its terms and conditions, and advantages and problems. The data on changes in the volume of trade, the number of participants, pricing, and assortment of cement brands since the beginning of ...

Application of Rietveld refinement technique to X-ray diffraction analysis of clinker and cement

The Rietveld method is a technique devised by Hugo Rietveld in the nineteen sixties for refining the X-ray diffraction analysis of crystalline materials. The Rietveld method uses a least squares approach to refine a theoretical line profile until it matches the measured...

The value of alkalis in the cement for concrete production

The article describes the role of alkalis in the clinker production and their influence on the durability of concrete. Since the dry process increases the potassium content in the clinker, in order to prevent scale buildup in the cyclone preheater it is necessary to byp...

MgO as fluxing agent for a sustainable Portland clinker production

The mineralizing effect of MgO, introduced as part of the raw material batch with alternative raw materials was investigated. The efficiency of MgO as a mineralizer with a content to 2.0-2.5 wt. %, if there is a sufficient amount of alkali component and SO3 in the r...

Properties of materials based on Portland cement with MKZHL metakaolin additive

The influence of the addition of MKZHL metakaolin used for partial - by 5-30 % - replacement of cement on the properties of mortar mixes and mortars has been examined. The optimal level of substitution of Portland cement with metakaolin (10%) was determi...

A new standard for sulfate-resistant cement: recommendations for producers and consumers

As of January 1, 2015 a new revised standard GOST 22266-2013 "Sulfate Resistant Cements. Specifications" was introduced. The paper discusses its requirements to sulfate resistant cements in comparison with those of the superseded GOST 22266-94.

Ukrainian cement industry. Results of operations in January 2015

In January 2015 194.9 kt of cement and 120.8 kt of clinker were produced, which is, respectively, 5.5 and 42.3 % less than in January 2014. Tables indicated in the material show the data on export and import of cement and clinker in 2014.

Voronezh branch of OOO Eurocement Group: highly efficient dry process in a cold climate

Close cooperation between the professionals of the Podgorensky cement plant and FLSmidth made it possible to implement a construction project of a new dry process line at the Podgorensky plant. The article gives a description of the equipment, the process chain, specifi...

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