Cleaning the silo at the cement plant of OAO Holcim (Rus) CM

This article describes all stages of cleaning the cement silo, performed by OOO International Industrial Equipment Co. (MKPO) at the cement plant of OAO Holcim (Rus) CM in Kolomna. For the first time cleaning was performed using the only GIRONET® mechanized system for silo cleaning in Russia without people inside. The work was safe for the staff, as the process was controlled from the roof of the silo. The cement manufacturer managed to recover 100 % of the working volume of the silo after thorough cleaning and unloading of sticky cement in a shorter time than it would have been done by rope access technicians, which confirmed the high efficiency of the GIRONET® system.
Author: A.V. Popov, A.N. Kukovenkov, N.V. Zhdanova, A.A. Rylsky

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