Prospects for implementation of the best available technologies and the transition to integrated environmental standards for cement production

The paper noted that at the current state of production assets of the Russian industries the competitiveness of the economy on foreign markets will decrease, macroeconomic risks will increase, and the ecological situation will worsen. Application of the principle of standardization of the permissible impact on the environment based on indicators of best available technologies (BAT) will enhance technological efficiency and environmental safety at industrial facilities.
The system of regulating emissions of industrial companies on the basis of BAT will be phased in. It is planned to compile 47 sectoral-specific reference books on technologies containing descriptions of BAT with the status of national standard system papers. To do this, technical working groups were set up. These reference books will be used by the companies in preparation of the programs of BAT implementation, and by the regulators - for assessment of the companies’ compliance with environmental requirements. In 2015, it is planned to put together 10 such reference books for the key industries, including the BAT handbook on "Cement production". In order to implement BAT in the cement industry in Russia a lot is already being done. In July 2015, a new dry process plant was launched, part of the Eurocement Group holding company – the Sengileevsky cement plant. It uses the state-of-the-art technology, thereby reducing emissions 2.5 times in comparison with the standard values.
Author: M.A. Skorokhod, Y.N. Potapova

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