The BAT in the cement industry: OOO HeidelbergCement Rus in Novogurovsky will be one of the first.

The preparation of the HeidelbergCement Rus branch in Novogurovsky (Tula region) for obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit (CER) based on technological standards that meet the requirements of the best available technologies (BAT) is described. Within the framework of the project "Climatically neutral economic activity: the introduction of BAT in the Russian Federation", this cement plant cooperates with the responsible operator of the project - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Employees and experts invited by this Society provide general consulting support to the company on the introduction of BAT. Specific measures required for the system of automated control and accounting of emissions at the plant site are described, which is necessary to obtain CER.
Author: Yu.V. Grishchenkova, D.N. Evdokimov

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