Russian cement industry in 2017.

This article reflects the current status of Russia’s cement industry and presents its prospects for development. Used in preparation of the present article were data from the OOO SM Pro database and information provided by the Federal State Statistics Service (FSSS&...

Cement industry of the post-Soviet countries today: an insider’s view.

Since 2002 every issue of the journal Cement and its Applications timed with the next regular Petrocem Conference contains materials obtained from cement producers that cover the current state of business in their companies and their plans. Over the past two years the n...

Considerations and success factors for the preparation and implementation of large capital expenditure project contracts in the cement industry.

Cement manufacturing has matured over the past decades with limited new advances in technological solution and machinery design. In this context an overall planning and execution of large scale cement manufacturing capital projects, in particular in terms of quality of ...

Hidden potential in plant operation and maintenance.

In the cement industry there is a large untapped potential for saving operational and maintenance costs. Kiln lines with low mean time between failures have the lowest performance because huge amounts of energy and electricity are wasted. Accordingly, one of the major o...

The BAT in the cement industry: OOO HeidelbergCement Rus in Novogurovsky will be one of the first.

The preparation of the HeidelbergCement Rus branch in Novogurovsky (Tula region) for obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit (CER) based on technological standards that meet the requirements of the best available technologies (BAT) is desc...

Innovative software product for the enterprises of the concrete and related industries.

The innovative modular software product AKKERMANN concrete, exclusive rights to the distribution of which were acquired by OOO South Ural Mining and Processing Company, allows to optimize the composition of concrete, ensure its quality control, maintain an operational r...

Modular calciner technology for the market requirements of today.

Various types of KHD PYROCLON® calciners from German KHD Humboldt Wedag (KHD) and the modular design of this system are described. The standard types of KHD PYROCLON® calciner series are based on the in-line calciner design in which tertiary air and flue gases a...

Increasing the efficiency of grinding equipment.

Thanks to small, step-by-step improvements in grinding equipment, cement plant owners can increase the production rate without much expense, and also reduce energy costs, and thereby increasing their market competitiveness in the long term.

National Cement Dubai now counts on reducing use of primary fuels.

Even in regions where the resources mineral oil and natural gas are still available in abundance, prices will rise and availability may decrease. Mr. Mohammed A. Al-Ghurair, the owner and General Manager of National Cement, knows it, and he is doing in clever foresight....

Modernization of cement mills at ZAO Rybnitsa Cement Plant.

As a result of the installation of modern mill internals from the Belgian Magotteaux S.A. and the use of the ball feed from the range of the grinding media by the same company at two cement mills of the ZAO Rybnitsa cement plant increased the production rate of the mill...

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