Influence of chemical production waste on mineralization processes in Portland cement clinker
The paper studies the influence of chemical industry wastes on mineral composition during cement raw mixes firing which contain alumosilicate components obtained from flotation tailings of mining and processing plants. In this case the study relied on physical and chemical analysis and determined unassimilated calcium oxide in sintered Portland cement clinkers. It was found that the presence of phosphogypsum and solid waste of soda production (SWSP) in raw materials mixtures based on flotation waste from lead and copper processing plants of the Almalyk MMC makes it possible to intensify the processes of mineral formation of the main clinker phases.Author: A. G. Nimchick, Kh. L. Usmanov, Z. R. Kadyrova |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: cement clinker, phosphogypsum, alkaline waste, limestone, calcination, mineral formation, mineralizers, flotation tails |
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